Wholesale Inquiry
Thank you very much for your interest in our products.
Please read our Terms & Conditions and fill the wholesale form below.
We will return shortly with shipping options, lead time and payment details.
Contact us to receive our latest catalog and price list
Our prices vary according to the amount spent on each order. Four wholesale price categories are available with its correlated price list of all items. All orders are subject to acceptance by OrientalBazar Studio. All prices are subject to change without notice. All prices are in US dollars. Freight costs are cutomer's responsibility.
As default, all items are shipped via Thailand Post Co. with the delivery operated by the national courier of the destination country. DHL, UPS and Fedex services are available upon request. Orders are shipped within 2 to 6 working days of their receipt for in-stock products. We provide accurate shipping costs once we know the quantity of the order as well as the ship-to location. Any custom duties are responsibility of the buyer. OrientalBazar is not responsible for delivery delays.
All orders are fully charged at the time of purchase. OrientalBazar accepts domestic wire transfers from the USA, UK, Europe and Australia. Payment via PayPal is available for all countries and incur 5% extra fee over the order's total. Please note that credit/debit card can be used for payments through PayPal without the need of a PayPal account. All invoices will be sent electronically to the billing email address on file. Currency conversions are made based on Paypal or Transferwise rates at the date of purchase.
Changes and cancellations must be requested by email within 24 hours from the purchase time. After that all sales are final. Purchases of customized and made-to-order items cannot be cancelled.
Wholesale merchandise may not be returned or exchanged, unless in the case of defective items. Please inspect all shipments immediately upon arrival. Any damage or shortage claims must be received no later than 5 days from the delivery of order. Notice of loss or damage must be given to the carrier immediately. All packing materials and receiving paperwork should be retained for carrier inspection. Taking photos of parcels in the delivered condition is advised. Unclaimed and/or refused packages returned to us will be charged full shipping, handling, and any other charges incurred. A reshipping will be arranged with new handling and freight costs.
Placement of order will confirm acceptance of the above terms and conditions.